The Second 50

What friends are saying about The Second 50: Funny, random, literary, angsty.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Tools To Rule

It’s a slow news day when Glenn Beck spends an hour and a half making fun of Al Gores’ poetry. Not that there’s not a lot to make fun of. Gore’s apocalyptic thoughts melt a continent, corrode the Roman god of the sea with acid, and predict flood, drought and fire. His revelation of desolation would not be complete without Biblical allusions to horses at the ready, a city on a hill, a shepherd. The poem lacks reference to Batman and the Joker. Performed in the hypnotic Gorish monotone the warning concludes with this auto suggestion: Here are your tools. Does self-deception lie at the foundation of the Gore treatise or is there self-awareness of the money to be made when players pay to pollute instead of actually not polluting?

Yes, it’s a good, slow news day today, which is unusual this year, the year that I often woke to news that would be unthinkable, ironic, hyperbolic in the years before a community organizer who became a senator just long enough to establish a leftwinger-voting record, ascended to the presidency. The strange news began with the inaugural prayer which ended with a racialist ditty about the yellow mellow, brown around, red ahead, black back and right white. Say what? As furry lovable Grover would say, "Oh, I am so embarrassed."

The news wasn’t all that bad at first. The new president chose his cabinet from the well known, tried and true, usual-run-of-the-mill, tax and spend crowd. Nothing new there. Sigh of relief. But as the year wore on, I awoke to revelations about the shadow cabinet: the green adviser with communist beliefs; the communications adviser whose chosen mentors were the murderous Mao and the life-affirming Mother Teresa; the school safety adviser who is a homosexual activist; the major TARP recipient whose grandmotherly employees encouraged the sex slave trade of minors. One news item even surprised the president – winning the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing.
These are the ones I remember off the top of my head.

Now that I’ve had some time to think, how about those school children singing songs of adoration to our leader – Mmm, mmm, mmm – while he in turn bows down to the kings of the earth. Maybe this little song by Lee Redwood was on his heart:

I’m embarrassed to be an American
But I’ll get you stuff for free
On Afghanistan I will decide
If it takes me an eternity
And I humbly bow down in front of you
And apologize for her today
Cause there ain’t no doubt
I’m ashamed of this land
Gosh darn the USA

As Obama pressured congress to pass the government’s universal and compulsory, preventive and catastrophic, allopathic medicine entitlement plan, the ethics of health adviser, Zeke Emmanuel, brother of Rahm, adviser to the president - came to the forefront. To Zeke Emmanuel’s credit, he is opposed to the slippery slope of euthanasia. His belief about who among many should receive a rare resource, based on the amount of investment in a person’s life balanced against the amount of productivity left in a person’s life, caused Palin to coin the term “death panel.” “Demagoguery,” criticized those on both the left and the right. Zeke’s defense was that his formula is intended to make a tough decision about a transplant. And the death panel comments hurt his feelings.

However, should the government become responsible for allocating basic medical care, everyday medical decisions will become subject to similar formulas to promote “social justice” and “equality.” One need only look at Great Britain for evidence of the inaccessibility to procedures performed by employees of a government. Further, the legal definition of “basic” health care will become the albatross of argument around the American peoples’ neck in the same way that government-doled education is infested with debate and litigation over school prayer, condoms and the required reading of adolescent gay literature for freshman at the community college.

And finally in this last month of the year, following the horrendous example of the Chinese, there is talk of global government rules on family planning: one child allowed per household everywhere, anywhere. Let’s get these parasitical people off mother earth. Let’s remove the unborn from their mothers. Let’s sterilize a woman’s body should she lose control of her fertility limit. These are your tools made in China.

Regardless of evidence of fraudulent manipulation of weather data, of scientific opinion that has disagreed with the Gore propaganda all along, true believers, believe; the greedy wait impatiently to gain. All continue to exhale carbon.

The sky is falling; a god is suffering from a bone disorder; we must take matters into our own hands. If we are not prepared to do so, the next generation will be. At library story time, the toddlers are already singing, “We’ve got the whole world in our hands.”Forget the sovereignty of God. Change the hymns and the light bulbs and worship the earth and hail the central planners who alone can save us from our parasitic selves. Are we men, or are we ticks?

Live free and prosper…and pray… and have a little fun with poetry, and let everything that has carbon breath, praise the Lord in the New Year.


Blogger silvergirl said...

send this to your local paper and see if it gets published.

Fri Jan 08, 07:58:00 AM PST  

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